The song has been sung, the candles blown out, the red icing devoured and the gifts unwrapped. So marks the beginning of the dreaded "terrible two's."

It's hard to believe that our sweet little angel - who says "please" and "thank-you" and blesses herself after she sneezes - is about to transform into a beast so foul and hideous that even the strongest and bravest parents get chills at the thought of it. Our precious little Hannah - who used to willingly share her toys with anyone who would play with her - will soon scream "MINE" at the top of her lungs when anyone so much as stares at her Little People Bus too long.
For her it will be a long and terrible stage that will reveal the worst in her. For us it is a rite of passage that will push us the rest of the way off of the cliff of youth and sanity into the abyss of mean, old parenthood. For now, we're still just sitting at the edge, staring into the deep pit of inevitability, and trying to enjoy our last glimpse of the green pastures; for we know that all hope will be lost once Hannah's "baby brudder" is born and she has to share the spotlight.
So glad to see pictures of Hannah's 2nd birthday. We thought about all of you on that day. We miss you all!
You do know that not every kid shows Terrible Two tendencies, right? Hannah may be fine. If she hasn't already started to throw temper tantrums, she might not at all. It's not like kids have some biological clock that tells them, "Hey, I'm two, I'm supposed to be a total brat for the next 12 months!"
However, you may just find that the Terrible Twos don't begin until around July 4. Studies have shown that kids over two but under four don't deal well with the birth of a new sibling. We'll be pushing the limits on that one...Natasha will be 22 months old when the baby is born.
Happy (belated) Birthday, Hannah!
Whoever coined the phrase "Terrible Two's" never experienced a 3 yr old. It is much worse, I'm afraid.
Congrats on the baby boy to be! How exciting!
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