I suppose you can't get a big girl bed without getting big girl sheets. The princess sheets are an early birthday gift from Gram and Pap.
You may have also noticed that we did a little redecorating. Our little Hannah is a true Steelers fan; and she still rooted for the team that let her down last year. So, you can imagine how excited she was when the Steelers brought home that one for the thumb this year.
I left the Steelers flag up for a week after the Superbowl - longer than that would have been rubbing it in to all the non-Steeler fans that drove by. I took the flag down and left it on the chair in the living room as I unfolded and rehung the American flag and yellow ribbon. When I came back inside Hannah had wrapped herself up in the Steelers flag and laid down in the middle of the living room.
I couldn't bear to fold it up and put it away after seeing how much it meant to her; so, I said we could put it up above her bed. To many people, the contrast between the pretty pink Disney princess bedding and the feirce black and gold Steelers gear is just terrible; but, to a Steelers fan, it makes perfect sense.
It IS a bit odd, but as long as she likes it, that's all that matters. And it's original. So that's good. I feel awful I can't be there for her birthday. I have to go to a lecture at school on Thursday and that's when mom is driving up. :( I miss all you guys like crazy, and I miss giving Hannah her night time baths! Please make sure to give her a big hug and a kiss for me.
Pah Lah Mah Lu...
Dot doo do do doot
The room looks good. The black and gold bring out the blue in (Cinder) Rella's eyes..
Watch out for that sleeping beauty... someone told me she's a colts fan...
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