Saturday, July 12, 2008

Motor boat, motor boat

Motor boat, motor boat, go so slow
Motor boat, motor boat, go so fast
Motor boat, motor boat, step on the gas!

I heard this chant thirty times over breakfast this morning. My children thought it was quite appropriate to sing since we were going to the park to see hydroplaning race boats. Our lake park was hosting the Syracuse Hydrofest today. We packed a lunch, the folding chairs, and some sunscreen. It was definitely a big event, so much that it required "grass pointers" as Hannah called them, we told her they were parking attendents.

We found a spot in the shade and waited for the show. We weren't even close to where the boats were starting and it felt like we were at the races with all the noise. The boats were loaded into the water with a crane and then warmed up around the course. I thought this was very cool. My husband thought this was very cool. The kids though, were slightly more interested in sliced nectarines and the swings at the playground. Oh well, we did have fun, and even though we don't have any pictures, we'll remember it for awhile.

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