Saturday, March 13, 2010

Curious Jefferson

I suppose it's a good thing that our 13 month old is very curious. The problem is: that curiosity can be messy.

A few days ago, Jefferson thought it would be interesting to climb inside his toy box. Once inside, he decided it was too crowded in there. Within a few minutes, the toy box was much more spacious.

Yesterday, he found an almost-empty cracker box in the living room. Babies stick everything in their mouth; sometimes, it happens to be food. This was the resulting mess.

Then, this morning, he wandered off while I was doing a puzzle with the other two kids in the living room. After the puzzle was finished, I realized it was a bit too quiet. I hoped no one left the bathroom door open as Jefferson usually finds the toilet. The door was open, but he wasn't playing in the water...

Babies learn by exploring their surroundings. At this rate, he'll be ready for Kindergarten next year; and Stacey will have gray hair!


Anonymous said...

love it! lol lol thanks for the great laugh!! love it!!

A. Marcia

Anonymous said...

Oh my - I cracked up at this...hilarious! still laughing!
Lis :)