Friday, May 18, 2007

Swim Class

Doesn't Hannah look adorable in her swim suit! A lot of you have been asking how swim class is going, so here is a little update. Hannah has a lot of fun, and is learning how to listen to a teacher, but she is nowhere near knowing hom to swim. She holds on to the edge quite well, and kicks her feet. She does a back float, and even jumps in (without holding on to the teachers hands) at the end. So, we'll keep coming and she'll get it eventually.

One morning last week Hannah decided she wanted to be a ballerina. So I dressed her up in a ballerina dress from Aunt Patty, her ballerina shoes from Aunt Juls, and I put her hair in a ballerina bun. She did ballerina twirls all morning long.

Ben has big news this week. A tooth suddenly appeared. I wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't of bit my nose! So now he gets to enjoy those yummy biter biscuits, and a bath afterward!

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