With Mommy and Benjamin in the hospital and Daddy spending most of his day there, too, Hannah has been holding down the fort at home. She has been taking care of the flowers, keeping Grandma busy and even paying the bills.

Between all her duties, Hannah also found time to make three trips to the hospital so far to visit her brother "Baby Ben" and Mommy. That's over 6 rides up and down the "alligator" to the 5th floor.
She has also been helping Grandma get back and forth to the hospital. She doesn't have all the features of a Magellan RoadMate, but she does have a warning alert when you make a wrong turn. The "where are you going, Grandma?" alert was sounded half a dozen times on her first trip home from the hospital.

Hannah has been very gentle with her delicate new sibling. Despite a few jealous moments, she has been very accepting of Ben. She even bought him some keys to chew on with buttons to start the car and honk the horn.

Now that Mommy no longer looks like a borg drone with tubes and hoses and needles all over the place, Hannah will sit with her and help her eat her "mappen-ronis" or just comfort her.
Judging from how good of a helper she has been these last few days, it looks like Hannah will be a wonderful big sister.
what's a borg drone?
Click the link and see.
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