Well, here is an example of out-dated technology. This picture was taken on a regular film camera before the picture in the previous post; then it had to wait in the camera until the entire roll of film was used.
Using up the film takes longer because every picture costs money, even the ones that don't turn out the way you wanted them to. You've got to wait for a really momentous occasion to even consider pulling out the camera. Then you end up wasting the last 3 pictures... 4 pictures... ("It's still not done yet?! The thing says we've already taken 25 pictures) 5 pictures on the flowers in front of your house.
After finally taking the last picture, you have to find time to take the film to get developed. A few weeks later, after forgetting to take the film with you on the last five shopping trips, you find an ad for 1-day doubles. At your next convenience, you go pick up your pictures to find that half of them are of people with their eyes closed or odd expressions on their faces or too dark because the flash didn't work. Hey, at least you got doubles, right? What am I supposed to do with two blurry pictures of Hannah not sitting still by the scarecrow and not looking at the camera and not smiling?
I could have made the process even longer for most of you by waiting until Thanksgiving to show you the picture; but I decided my point could still be illustrated and scanned it in.
The only fun thing about using regular film is that the longer you forget to get it developed, the more hilarious it is to find pictures from last Christmas on a 12 exposure roll of film that you completely forgot about. Still, I will opt for the high-tech method.
I really appreciate you guys doing this. I was really down when I decided to look to see if there were any new Hannah pics and it made me cry cuz I miss all of you guys so much. Yeah...I'm getting terribly homesick. Shh....don't tell anyone! ;)
First of all, using a digital camera that doesn't have the same picture dimentions as a printed photo takes any artistic picture composition away from the photographer. Secondly, the delay that is exhibited on a digital camera is the primary reason you have numerous bad pictures, opposite from the instant shutter of a SLR. Thirdly, most people are too lazy to develop their digital pictures which results in a lack of prints completely. And fourthly (is that a word?) none of us can afford a digital camera with enough pixels per inch to be as smooth looking as film. Fifthly I want you to know I have a lot more reasons why digital stinks and we can talk about those later.
Please post a new picture...
I miss my Hannah Banana...
... and quit knocking film...
love Aunt Jul E.
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