Well, that didn't take long. Just 8 short months ago, Hannah was taking her First Steps!!! and now she's a fearless climber. A professional would call it "exceptional large motor skills," but we just call it "exceptionally larger chance of getting hurt skills." Of course she doesn't just practice this at the playground, but also at home by climbing on the couch and the coffee table in the back room, darting up the stairs and scaling her high chair.
Now we have to face the parental struggle of striking a balance between letting her explore and keeping her neck in one piece. Watching her explore and indulge her curiosity is very fulfilling; but watching her start to lose her balance with nothing but the hardwood floor to break her fall if I don't catch her - that can't be good for my mental or physical health.
In any case she is growing up and becoming more independent every day. She even gave up her pacifier cold turkey a few days ago (so far so good). She loves having books read to her and she pays attention to entire TV programs now. She still likes to play with us, but can entertain herself with toys or books if need be; and, of course, she still knows how to show off for a crowd.
We are enjoying it while it lasts, though, as elements of the terrible two's are starting to surface at only one and a half.
This picture was courtesy of our recent guests, the Hreha's, but we ordered a new Canon PowerShot A510 from Amazon.com and it should be here in about a week. This doesn't mean I'll update the blog more often, I just won't have an excuse anymore.
Look at that Cute little redhead! She's adorable and so pleasant to be around - so enjoy it while you can! It was really nice to see you guys a few weeks ago! Thanx for everything! Hope you can take showers again :) Hahaha
Lisa :)
Yes, we got the water heater taken care of Tuesday morning. In the mean time, we showered across the street. No big deal.
Thanks again for coming and bringing us another addition to the free furniture room.
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