Monday, July 19, 2010

Just to Get to Two

It was a spontaneous decision, really. Stacey was taking Jefferson to get groceries and I was thinking about what to do with the other two. The weather finally cooled off a bit and it was the perfect evening to do something outside, but what?

Then I started thinking about it being half way through summer and Hannah being six years old. It decided was about time to make another attempt to take off the training wheels; so, we headed for preschool parking lot.

I told Hannah to do a big loop around the parking lot one last time with the training wheels and try to balance without using them. Then I took them off and reassured her that she was ready - and was she ever.

We went straight down and back with me barely holding on. I gave her a few quick lessons on leaning, turning, stopping and starting. Finally, as we made another long run, I told her to look at my shadow, which was well out in front of us in the evening sun. I asked her where my hands were and she said, "up in the air," and that was it.

The three of us played on the playground for a while and waited for Mommy to stop by for a demonstration. Then, I took her out for dessert to celebrate. I gave her some options, but she settled on a Wendy's frosty. I talked her into a Twisted Frosty with M&M's.

As Justin Roberts put it, she started off with three wheels, then she went to four - just to get to two. So there it is: another milestone passed, another step toward independence, another kid growing up too fast.


Anonymous said...

wow, all this and she finishes with "no hands!" way to go Hannah.

love you,
Aunt Marcia

Anonymous said...

Good Job Hannah!!! You Go GIRL!!
Lisa :)