He weighed in at a respectable 7lb 8.5oz. Not bad for 11 days before the real due date. Aunt Patty is the baby poll official. She'll have to declare a winner.

So here is the whole family. We're all admiring the full head of soft, thick black hair. There's no question he gets that from his Pap; I guess we got the middle name right.

Both Mom and Baby are recovering very well. They'll probably come home this weekend.
Ben is still more intrigued than anything else. Hopefully, these two will grow to be best buds.

Hannah takes great pride in her role as big sister. She'll always let us know when her brother is having issues - and later when he is the issue.

We'll try to keep you up to date, but first Dad needs to recover from 2 hours of random sleep in the past 40 hours.
Congrats!!!! Can't wait to meet him!
Lots of love!!!
Congrats!! He is Handsome! Hope all is well and enjoy him they grow so fast!
Congratulations! Evelyn and her parents are very excited about her new cousin!
Evy says:
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Congratulations to you on the birth of this handsome dude! Can't wait to meet him. Love to all, A. Marcia
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