Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Crinkly Book Mystery

One of the best baby toys out there is what I call the "crinkly book". It's a nice little three page soft book that has soft edges made for teething and different shaped links on the side and it makes a squeaky sound when you press the middle of it. But most important of all is that when you pick up up or move it around, it makes a crinkly sound. Hannah loved her crinkly book as a baby and when she lost hers, I bought her a new one within days. Now, I knew right away when we lost her book, it had fallen out of her carrier while I was at the store, and I realized it when we got home.

It now seems that Ben's crinkly book has disappeared. This picture was the last time Ben was seen with his book. We have searched high and low and in the most odd places, but still haven't found it. I haven't rushed out and bought a new one, because it has to be here SOMEWHERE! I know, I know, I just need to look where all the missing socks, mittens, random toys, and Hannah's hair clips are...if you have any ideas, let us know!


Anonymous said...

your problem is that you're looking in all the wrong places. think of the most obvious places it could be. oh, and the last place he, or you, or whoever had it. can't go wrong there ;)

Stacey said...

We found it! It was way back underneath the guest bed, why didn't I look there in the first place!