Leave it to Aunt Jul's to get Hannah a black baby doll. She teaches at a school with a higher than average percentage of non-white students and wanted to make sure Hannah was exposed to different kinds of people.
Due to Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Playtime, Hannah actually plays with her black baby doll more than she plays with her white baby dolls - even if they talk or have other fun features that she would rather play with. None of the other dolls say anything, though, for fear of being labeled as racists.
Seriously, though, Hannah doesn't seem to notice that this baby doll is darker than her other baby dolls. Judging from how she plays with dolls in general, I think she will make a great big sister some day.
Fo Shizzle...
Don't worry Hannah, if you have your daddy's genes you'll be that color after a day at the pool.
Miss you, girlfriend!
Auntie Jul
It's good she has a doll that's different from her. I'm very happy that my neice is being exposed to diversity at a young age. Good job Aunt Julie!
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