Given that both of her parents are musically inclined, it is somewhat expected that Hannah will have no trouble developing her own musical ear. When she is playing the keyboard, she shows signs of rythm and has even tried hitting keys individually instad of banging her whole hand on the keyboard.
The problem is that she is also the daughter of an engineer and share's her father's interest in how things work. Most of the time she is more interested in the power button than the music coming from the speakers.
While I would never force her to do anything, I am encouraging her to take an interest in music. Yes, there are studies showing the relationship between musical talent and a better understanding of math and science, but that is not the driving factor. If she turns out anything like her paternal aunt Julie, we will have to listen to her singing all the time and I can't stand hearing people sing out of key.
Listening to The Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 100 times a day will be bad enough, but if it is out of tune... I may have to trade our new 4-bedroom house for a single white room with 4 padded walls.
For the record... Aunt Jul's got into the chorus by singing the National Anthem acapella! He said she was the only one to sing it in tune!!!!~!!!
I miss all the singing!
Just enjoy it!
If she does in fact turn out anything like her aunt julie, not only will she sing with the voice of an angel, but she'll probably be the coolest girl in New York. An seeing as I've known her father, lets hope that some of the julie genes peek through. Sing your heart out my little paduan learner. love you. aunt jules
Thad & Stacey...i can't believe how big she has gotten. And she is so stinkin cute!! Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun with her. Enjoy! And CONGRATS on your new home!!
Take Care,
Amy Falcone
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