Monday, November 21, 2011

Kid in the Fridge

Hey! It's me Jefferson. Sometimes I do really funny stuff, like most two year olds.

Today I was hanging out in the fridge and mom though it was too cute, and told me to stay in there so she could get the camera. Then, I even decided to smile really nice. Sometimes I'm a really good boy like that. And I like being a big boy.

Pretty soon I won't fit in the fridge, and my mom will be really sad. Glad we got these pictures of me!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Halloween weekend was lots of fun! We did some new things this year: watched Casper the movie, which the kids loved; went to a Halloween party at Kidz Club, totally fun; and added another kid to the school parade!

Hannah wanted her face decorated, very pretty! And her pumpkin she designed.

Dressed and ready to go...almost, we still had to empty the pillow cases of pillows for our bags!

Jefferson suprised us all and put on some courage, and his Thomas costume! "I'm not crying" he kept saying. We were SO proud of him.

MARIO! He was so funny with this on, totally a ham.

The best way to end all this fun, lots of candy! Three pounds of it each for Hannah and Ben.